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Test Environment
We selected golf balls using BallSight™ and conducted a test employing KIGOS(Korea Institute of Golf and Sports, www.kigos.or.kr)’s swing robot to prove the flight characteristics of the selected golf balls. Unlike any other human, this swing robot ensures that the same golf swing can be repeated time and time again, thus hitting the same spot on the clubface during test.
In order to measure and visualize the golf ball flight trajectory, we used a Foresight GC Quad launch monitor. The GC Quad launch monitor provides rigorous data that excludes external factors such as wind or moisture that can affect golf balls in flight. Therefore, we can extract the results for the flight distance and offline deviation purely due to the characteristics of the golf ball.
Golf balls for comparative measurements were kept in the same air-conditioned room environment prior to testing. In addition, by marking the numbers ‘1’ to ‘14’ on the surface of each golf ball, the test club was allowed to hit fourteen different spots of the ball.
Club and Swing Speed
Driver shots were hit with two different clubhead speeds of 95 mph and 115mph (mid and fast). Titleist TSi2 Driver with 65 grams regular flex and 75 grams X-flex shafts are used for 95 mph and 115 mph swings, respectively. We took the same test for 7 iron (85 mph) and pitching wedge (75 mph) using Fourteen TC-544 Forged Iron.
Test Results
Using the BallSight™, we selected two golf balls in the same box. One is a ball with a low SOD of 24 (Ball-A), and the other is a ball with a high SOD of 34 (Ball-B). Each golf ball was set so that the number indicated on the surface was on the top, and the distance and offline deviation were measured by hitting fourteen different spots of the ball. Driver shot testing with a swing speed of 115 mph as well as 95 mph clearly shows the difference between the Ball-A and Ball-B. Although a ball with low SOD of 24 has a smaller distance deviation, the most important thing to note is that Ball-A 's offline deviation is far superior to that of Ball-B. Offline deviation of Ball-B with high SOD of 34 is more than 2.4 times that of Ball-A. The test results for 7 iron and pitching wedge shots can also be found in the figure below, and it can be seen that Ball-A having a low SOD is superior to Ball-B as in the driver shot result.